BCMR Military Records Correction Attorneys

If you’ve served in the military, ensuring the accuracy of your official records is crucial. Incorrect entries can impact your benefits, career opportunities, and legal status.

Seeking the assistance of a qualified military records correction attorney is vital for rectifying these errors. Our team is dedicated to helping you remove mistakes from your military records that may adversely affect your life.

Understanding BCMR Petitions

The process begins by petitioning the Board for Correction of Military or Naval Records (BCMR/BNCR). This Board allows service members to request changes to their records, typically within three years of the error’s occurrence.

First, you must submit a formal request detailing the mistake and the desired correction. Our attorneys, with extensive experience in military administrative law, will guide you through crafting a compelling petition, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

Why Correcting Your Military Records Matters

Errors in military records can impact veterans’ lives, from employment prospects to eligibility for military benefits. Addressing these inaccuracies is essential for safeguarding your future and ensuring fair treatment.

How Our Attorneys Facilitate the Correction Process

Our team is proficient in navigating the complexities of BCMR cases. From preparing your petition to representing your interests before the Board, we provide comprehensive support every step of the way. 

If the Board’s decision is unfavorable, we can take your case to the Court of Federal Claims or United States District Court, ensuring all viable legal options are explored.

How We Can Help

Petitioning the BCMR is often a challenging and lengthy process. Board decisions are discretionary, and without legal guidance, many service members may feel intimidated or uncertain about the likelihood of success.

Our attorneys are here to evaluate your case, ensuring that it is thoroughly prepared for both the BCMR and, if necessary, subsequent appeals in federal courts.

Call us at 202-862-4360 to discuss your case.

What Makes Us Different

Veterans Serving Those Who Serve

From Guantanamo to CAAF – We Have Battled and Won

Victim Rights Advocates & Former Prosecutors

Frequently Asked Questions

It is suggested you seek an attorney the moment you are notified of possible disciplinary action. There is a wide range of disciplinary action a service member might face, and the consequences of those actions vary greatly. A military law attorney can discuss the possible consequences, and how best to proceed in your particular case.  

Service members have the right to always remain silent. This right is listed in Article 31(b) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The natural inclination is to explain why you are not guilty of the allegation. However, the military will always try to use the statement against the service member. For this reason, we always advise clients to exercise their right to remain silent under Article 31(b). The military cannot use your right to remain silent against you.  

You always have the right to consult with an attorney. Depending of the type of investigation or disciplinary action, you may also have the right to have an attorney present with you. It is best to discuss your particular situation with a military law attorney to understand if that right applies to you. 

Yes, each one of the branches has a Court of Criminal Appeals. If you receive either a punitive discharge or in excess of 1 year of confinement, you have the right to an automatic appeal. Just like at the Court-Martial, you will have be detailed a military appellate defense counsel.  

Yes, most service members will be entitled to either an administrative separation board (or, if an officer, a Board of Inquiry). Each branch requires the service member to have been in a certain number of years before they can request to appear before a Board. If you are entitled to a Board, you will have the right to appear with a defense counsel, and present a defense before three Board members. 

 It depends on what the legal issue, and how you are able to challenge the legal issue. The military law attorneys at FPG have represented service members at trial that resulted in a not-guilty verdict. These clients were able to continue their military career as though the Court-Martial never happened.

Speak with A Military Corrections Attorney today