Marine Corps Birthday Message

Happy 245th birthday United States Marines Corps! This date will always be a special one as the Federal Practice Group was founded by Eric S. Montalvo, a “Mustang,” retired from active duty after serving 21 years in the United States Marine Corps. FPG also has the honor of employing many other Marines and service members. […]

Happy 245th birthday United States Marines Corps!

This date will always be a special one as the Federal Practice Group was founded by Eric S. Montalvo, a “Mustang,” retired from active duty after serving 21 years in the United States Marine Corps. FPG also has the honor of employing many other Marines and service members.

Semper Fi!

Message from the Marine Corps

Video Credit: Gen. David H. Berger reminds us how the Corps\’ legacy lives on in every Marine. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Staff Sgt. Erik Estrada)

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